Elect Lady, Mt. Peniel COGIC
Our First Lady, Evangelist Missionary Jacqueline R. Cork, is the lovely wife of Pastor Andie Cork Sr. They have been in the ministry together for 22 years, but married for 33 and a half years. She is the mother of three children, and has been more than a church mother and mentor to the young people at Mt. Peniel Church of God in Christ. Pastor Cork constantly tells us that without his wife in the picture, he doesn't know how many things would get done in the church.
First Lady Cork has previously or currently held many positions in the church: Youth Ministry Treasurer, Sunday School Teacher, YPWW Teacher, Youth Usher President, Treasurer of Hospitality Committee, Youth Church Assistant, Member of Sanctuary Choir, Pastor's Aide, Evangelist Department, Usher Board, Nursing Home Ministry Worker, Prayer & Bible Band Teacher, and Church Treasurer.
In September 2021 she officially received her appointment as the District Missionary for the Virginia District of the North Carolina 3rd Jurisdiction, Church Of God In Christ under the leadership of Bishop Patrick L. Wooden. First Lady Cork loves the Lord and will continue to serve the Lord in and serve His people as the Lord sees fit.